Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV Feature Update

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. szeptember 12..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Greetings all,

    We have some exciting news to share with you today!

    Upload.php Auto Fill

    User Vicey created an auto fill script, which staff then worked with them to incorporate into the live site. We now welcome you to begin using this new heavily requested feature!
    Staffers have been using and assisting in debugging the new feature for some time now, and we feel that it is ready for primetime.
    If you run across any issues or incorrect auto-fill information, please let us know in the forums.

    Autoupload Update

    Some of you might already have noticed that we have added another auto-upload box for Season Packs (P2P).
    Different resolutions and sources will be added to the box as its space is audited.
