Külföldi torrent oldalak FileList | FL News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' kőkobaki hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. szeptember 04..

  1. kőkobaki /

    2012. április 20.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Happy birthday, FileList!

    He's been a year, a year in which we have provided various materials that have satisfied appetites, curiosity and may in some cases have helped to exit a bad state.
    8 years old, eight years have passed in total, eight years where, repeatedly, I was put down and tested, but each time I managed to get up! That word, "What does not kill you makes you stronger," proved that apply in our case. This year we made some upgrades to all means FileList, from server totracker, website and even staff. Everything was brought to a state closer to what we believe and we want perfection.

    You, the users, are the ones who make this tracker to work and I do not mean to donations, with all that that aid. Donations servers just keep standing, but staff is kept standing by you, your attitude and the fact that you are with us in good times and bad. We, the staff, from domestic to SysOp, do this for you and I can guarantee that if you were not people super that you would fall and quality of the materials that we deliver and that we try to improve our day passing. Obviously that they have been and will be enough "hater," but all I can tell them is: FileList leads, others follow!

    I say skip whole pages of stories and take a look over the new implementations and contests / event sites that will take place from 01.09 - 07.09:

    New features

    Reputation System - is a way to measure the quality of a member of this comunităţi.Mai more information!
    Elite Class - A new class dedicated to those who have been with us for at least 4 years. Elite Zone - More information!


    FLC extra IRC - daily from 04.09 until 07.09 onwards, the basic FLC obtained from idle multiplied by number of days;
    Elite VIP & Free zone - from 01.09 until 07.09, Sections VIP areas, VIP Elite Zone and fun are open to all;
    Global freeleech - from 01.09 until 07.09, all boarded torrrentele benefits from freeleech.
    50% discount on surprise gifts - Today, September 4, surprise gifts can be purchased from Shop FLCoins 2500, instead of 5000.
    Custom Title - Today, September 4, the price of a CT is only 1 FLCoin in Shop.


    Visit the competitions, they are marked as 'active' Sticky and appear first.

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