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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. március 02..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    Sunt 6 luni de cand am introdus sistemul de reputatie si spuneam ca ne vom lua o perioada de timp sa vedem cum evolueaza tot. A sosit momentul sa iesim din beta si sa facem cateva modificari mai mult decat necesare. Initial am vrut sa explic tot dar era prea mult de citit si nu voiam sa va obosesc prea tare, asa ca voi scrie doar singura problema pe care o are sistemul de reputatie si ce am hotarat sa schimbam ca sa fie totul perfect in continuare.

    Vreau sa subliniez clar ca a fost ceva nou si la majoritatea userilor am tolerat joaca cu reputatia(uneori abuzuri). Sunt deja 6 luni si majoritatea v-ati invatat cu sistemul de reputatie deci de azi nu mai exista scuze. Iesim din beta si orice abuz legat de reputatie se va lua foarte in serios.

    Scriu clar pentru toti: se acorda reputatie daca un user v-a ajutat cu ceva sau a ajutat comunitatea in vreun fel, sau daca acel user a incalcat vreo regula a site-ului.
    Nu suntem absurzi, toleram +rep la ceva spus inteligent sau amuzant sau -rep la anumite postari inutile dar nu exagerati, riscati sa aveti o surpriza neplacuta.

    Acum sa revenim la problema. Singura problema a sistemului era pe termen lung si era legata de Reputation Power. Se ajunge (un mic efect deja se vede si acum dupa doar 6 luni) ca userii activi sa aiba rep. power foarte mare si nu vor mai putea sa dea rep negativ pentru chestii banale, ca un off-topic sau o incalcare minora a unei reguli. De putut pot da, dar ar afecta reputatia unui user foarte, foarte tare. Sa primesti de exemplu -100 rep pentru un off-topic e strigator la cer si acel user cu greu isi mai revine. Sa interzici cu fel si fel de reguli situatii de astea e total neprofesionist. Sau sunt cazuri unde userii fac spam si au reputatie mai mare ca unii useri care ajuta mereu in diferite sectiuni alte site-ului. Asa ceva este aberant, deci e clar ceva ce trebuie reparat si cum am amintit nu se va mai tolera abuzul de reputatie in nici un fel.

    Atentie! Tinand cont ca iesim din beta si ca am tolerat multe abuzuri(pe care nu le-am sanctionat), resetam reputatia la toti utilizatorii. Toata lumea incepe normal ca acum 6 luni de zile cu 10 puncte de reputatie. Daca nu era necesar nu as fi facut asta, dar asa este corect. Eu am 12.000 puncte de reputatie si tot mi se pare cel mai corect asa. Si cei care au reputatie negativa aveti parte de un nou inceput. Nu va bateti joc de el ca nu se va mai reseta niciodata reputatia.

    Ce am schimbat la sistemul de reputatie:
    A fost introdusa optiunea de resetare a reputatiei pentru staff. Daca un user face abuz i se va reseta reputatia o data, a 2 a oara primeste mute/disable.
    Rep. Power default este acum 5, inainte era 0. Rep. Power nu mai este folosit ca si valoare de rep. Rep. Power arata doar cat te costa ca si utilizator sa acorzi reputatie.
    De exemplu: Sa presupunem ca am rep. power 50, ca sa acord reputatie unui utilizator o sa platesc 50 de FLCoins si tot 50 de FLCoins merg la acel user. Practic inainte daca aveai rep power 50, acordai unui user 50 de puncte de reputatie sau ii scadeai 50 de puncte de reputatie, asta nu se mai intampla acum.
    Orice user acorda acum +1 sau -1 puncte de reputatie, indiferent de rep. power sau clasa.
    S-a marit valoarea de rep. power in functie de clasa. Practic cu cat clasa este mai mare cu atat platesti mai mult ca sa acorzi reputatie. In rest, formula de calculare a rep. power ramane la fel.
    Spoiler (arata)
    Daca sa zicem ca ajutati pe cineva si un SysOp va acorda +rep, veti primi cel putin 55 FLCoins (acorda exact cat rep. power are). Asta e un mic exemplu ca sa intelegeti ca oamenii care ajuta vor fi mult mai bine recompensati.
    A fost scoasa optiunea de a acorda reputatie pe profilul unui utilizator.

    Incepem sa acordam beneficii si restrictii (cu timpul se vor mai adauga):
    Cei care au reputatie mai mica de -50 nu vor mai putea cumpara din shop.

    Se acorda 1 FLCoin / ora la sistemul de seedbonus celor care au peste 200 de puncte de reputatie.
    Cei care au peste 500 de puncte de reputatie pot solicita o singura data redenumirea contului, cu păstrarea posturilor, rației etc. (Creati un ticket nou, veti avea optiunea de username change activata la categoria ticketului).

    Cam asta este tot, probabil cu timpul se vor mai face mici ajustari acolo unde este nevoie. In topicul creat puteti sa va spuneti parerea in legatura cu noile schimbari, sau daca aveti sugestii legat de noi beneficii va ascultam.

    O seara cat mai placuta,


    Its been six months since we introduced the system of reputation and we said that we will take a while to see how everything evolves. It is time to come out of beta and make some changes more than necessary. Initially I wanted to explain everything but it was too much to read and I did not want to be too tired, so I'll write just one problem that has reputation system and I decided to change to be perfect further.

    I want to emphasize clearly that it was something new and most users have tolerated reputation playing with (and sometimes abuse). There are already 6 months and most of you have learned with the reputation system so there are no excuses today. Come out of beta and any abuses reputation will be taken very seriously.

    Write clear to all: if a user is granted reputation helped you with something or helped the community in any way, or if that user has violated any rules of the site.
    We are not absurd, tolerate + rep said something smart or funny or -rep certain posts unnecessary but do not overdo it made, you may have an unpleasant surprise.

    Now let us return to the issue. The only problem was long-term system and was linked Reputation Power. It reaches (little effect seen already now after only 6 months) as active users have rep. very high power and will not be able to give negative rep for trivial stuff, like a off-topic or a minor breach of a rule. The can could give, but it would affect a user's reputation very, very hard. For example -100 to receive rep for off-topic and it's outrageous that user hardly longer returns. Prohibit with the kinds of situations these rules is totally unprofessional. Or are cases where users are spam, and have greater reputation as some users who always help in various other sections of the site. It is so absurd, so it's clearly something that needs to be repaired and as I mentioned will not tolerate abuse of reputation in any way.

    Careful! Considering that come out of beta and I tolerated many abuses (which I have not punished), reset the reputation to all users. Everyone starts as a normal 6 months 10 reputation points. If it was necessary I would not have done that, but it's the right. I have 12,000 points of reputation and everything seems the fairest way. Negative reputation and those who have part of a new beginning. Do not mock him like never reset will not reputation.

    I changed the reputation system:
    It was reset option reputation for staff. If a user is abusing reputation will be reset once the time gets 2nd move / disable.
    Rep. Power default is 5, before he was 0. Rep. Power is no longer used as value of rep. Rep. Power show just how cost you as a user to grant reputation.
    For example: Suppose I rep. 50 power, reputation to a user agreement to pay a 50 FLCoins and all 50 FLCoins go to that user. Practically before if you had 50 rep power, granted to a user 50 reputation points or 50 points lower their reputation, that does not happen now.
    Any user now give +1 or -1 points of reputation, regardless of rep. power or class.
    It has increased the value of rep. power depending on the class. Basically how much bigger the class is paying more to grant reputation. Otherwise, the formula for calculating the rep. Power remains the same.
    Spoiler (show)
    If you help someone and say that a SysOp will give + rep, you will receive at least 55 FLCoins (grant exactly how rep. Has power). That's a small example to understand that people who help will be much better rewarded.
    It was removed the option to grant reputation on a user's profile.

    We began to pay benefits and restrictions (with time will be added):
    Those who have less than -50 reputation will not be able to buy the shop.

    It granted one FLCoin / time seedbonus system of more than 200 points of reputation.
    Those who have over 500 points of reputation may apply only once rename the account, preserving jobs, ration etc. (Create a new ticket, you have the option to change username activated Ticket category).

    This is all about, probably with time will make small adjustments where needed. The topic created can give us your opinion about the new changes, or if you have suggestions related to new benefits will listen.

    A pleasant evening,