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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. április 01..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Trading Cards
    Spring is here and to celebrate, we are releasing our new trading card system! We hope this fun new system will really shine by bringing the community together to use these new items. Most of the low-level cards will be released through random drops on-site and in IRC. You will be expected to trade them with others to create complete collections that can be crafted into new cards and items. To get things going, we have ramped up all of the drop rates so that everybody should start receiving lots of cards!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    To see all of the new trading cards, check them out in the shop!

    How Trading Cards Work

    Card Sets
    There are various different card sets available. Cards that are part of the same card set will have the same background color on every card so you can easily tell card sets apart. Each card set will have a unique levelling icon as well. Within these card sets, there are various card subsets. You can tell these subsets apart as they will have different border colors. These sets and subsets are used to denote what cards can be crafted together. As an example, see the 2 cards above. Both of these cards are part of the same card set (the staff pack) but "thewhale's Kiss" and "A Wild Artifaxx" are part of different subsets as denoted by their different border colors.

    Card Levels
    Within the card sets there are various different levels of cards. Each card will have an icon on the bottom of it. Black icons are first level cards, Yellow icons are 2nd level cards, and Green icons are 3rd level cards. In some rare instances Purple will denote a 4th level card.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Card Pyramids
    Each card set forms a card pyramid based on its various card subsets and card levels. Each level of the pyramid is based on the card levels and within those levels, it is broken into the card subsets.

    Example: (Note how the color of the borders stays the same throughout the subsets except for the final card)


    Card Crafting
    For level 1 cards, the 3 cards in a subset can be crafted together into 1 level 2 card (see the pyramid above). 3 of these level 2 cards can be crafted together into a level 3 card. The order that cards are placed in the crafting panel matters; you can either randomly try different combos or buy the crafting recipe book for that card set. In some rare instances more cards will be part of the pyramid and level 4 cards will be possible. See the applicable crafting recipe books for these special cases.

    Once you have multiple level 3 cards, certain sets can be crafted into various items and item packs. See the applicable crafting recipe book for more info.

    You can find the crafting recipe books in the shop here.

    While item trading has been available for sometime now, not everybody is familiar with it. Currently, all Pro Gamer+ users can use the trading system. For info on how the trading system works, see this wiki article.

    More Info: For more info on the new trading card system, see the official wiki page here.
