Külföldi torrent oldalak GazelleGames.net | GGn News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Anime hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. december 06..

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    2013. augusztus 20.
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    GazelleGames : News
    A GGN Christmas

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays GGNers! We've got lots of things going on this month, so let's jump right into it:

    Christmas Gazelles Drawing Competition
    You probably already know we make disabled users draw a gazelle to get their account back - well now here's your turn non-disabled user! Draw us a gazelle doing holiday things and win! Must be 100% original creations - no photoshopping images together off the internet. But you can make it in MS paint, Photoshop, with crayons, paint, chalk, pipe cleaners, whatever suits you best.

    1st: 1 game from the 'large' prize pool + 25gb upload
    2nd: 1 game from the 'medium' prize pool + 10gb upload
    3rd: 1 game from the 'small' prize pool + 5gb upload
    All entries: 1gb each

    The games in the prize pool include dozens of steam gifts, keys, etc. that GGN has collected over the years. More expensive games are in the large group, less expensive in the small, etc.

    Entries are due by December 24th. The top 10 entries with the most likes to their post will be added to a site poll and voted on by the users.

    Post your entries here.

    Christmas Decorations
    Let's see your holiday decorations! Take a picture of your Christmas tree or other holiday decorations with your username visible in the photo for us all to see.

    5gb upload for all entries OR
    25gb if your decorations are video game themed in some way

    Entries are due by December 24th. Post your pictures here.

    More to come!
    We have a couple more ideas still being worked on, be sure to keep an eye on the front page as Christmas gets closer!
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