Külföldi torrent oldalak HD-MKV | HD Lifetime V.i.p. Sale 60% Off

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 17..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest


    Between now and May 19th we are having a special on Lifteime V.I.P. at 60% off the regular price.

    Donate $40 for lifetime V.I.P. that is 60% off the normal $100 price

    Benefits of Lifetime V.I.P. include

    1 TB upload credit.
    Minimum seed time required = 12 hours Reduced from the 48 hours of other members
    Can upload at HD-MKV
    Invites: 15 on donation and 3 every 3 months.
    500,000 Bonus points
    Gold Ribbon next to your name in RED
    Access to V.I.P. forums and invite section of forums
    See upcoming encodes from mkvrg in internal encode forums

    Just donate $40 USD here: http://hd-mkv.me/index.php?page=donate
    I will manually upgrade your account to Lifetime V.I.P.

    If you have already made a donation this month subtract that from the $40 price.
    IE: If you already donated $10 just donate $30 to get lifetime V.I.P.

    Note: Please select upload credit on donation this will help to prevent the lifetime V.I.P. from time expiring

    The donations will count toward the site wide free leech goal for the month of MAY

    I know I said there would not be another sale until the end of summer but that was before I found out how much it will cost me to get internet on. as this weekend when i move $200 to get it turned on ouch, sucks moving to a far away city and getting new service. any help to keep me online is appreciated.