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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Anime hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. december 31..

  1. Anime /

    2013. augusztus 20.
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    HDClub News
    Dear users! 1. Yesterday to counter numerous cases of hacking was carried out by a sudden operation "blocking" suspicious accounts and change passwords Preventive all without exception. Large% of logins on the club undergoes additional verification to 7 first symbols of personal passkey, which in 95% of cases only knows the real owner. We apologize for this inconvenience! Unfortunately, many accounts from intruders there Paso, but we are planning to block such users manually. We hope that this will solve all the problems of theft accounts except stupid cases their voluntary transfer from the owner to the attacker. It is strongly recommended as a preventive measure to change your password and to your mailbox, which is tied to an account at the club! 2. The modernization of the club changed the organizational structure and received a more secure layout. From now on we are duplicated in several countries, which greatly reduces the risk of tripping project. Nuances not be made public. 3. At the request of users of the final transition to the domain http://hdclub.org will be postponed until the end of the holiday period. All processes will be completed on January 15-17, 2015, and each will receive detailed instructions in advance to minimize the consequences of this transition. 4. Raised new mail server and patency of letters by tests increased by 30%. During December, many have been able to take advantage of email-support service to solve their problems. 5. Package details such as geo-targeting system, enhanced labeling of certain types of hands, etc. will also be included immediately after the holidays and annual frilicha. To this is added and the final version of the rules of the club. I heartily congratulate you on the upcoming holidays and wish in 2015, good health, a happy peaceful life and a good time with HD-movies and music. Stay with us!