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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. december 09..

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    2016. április 14.
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    一直以来,总是发现有的同学在参与种子评论时,说出些很不适当的言论,要知道,你的言论不但会打击作者或发 布者的积极性,甚至会伤害到他们,也会对后来者造成影响,这是每个PT站都不允许的,在这一点上,请大家多 看“规则”。诸如“坐等”,“速度慢,求速度”,“不下了“,”做得不好“,”求免费“,”你该这样做那样 做“,”字幕应该黑边白边“,”体积太大无法刻盘“,”我无法播放“.....等等,这些都是不准发表的, 要知道DIY者很辛苦,而且这就像搞春晚一样,众口难调,很难照顾到每一个人,DIY者大多是按照自己的习 惯和爱好在做,如果你觉得适合你你就下,不适合你,你可以不下,没人强迫的。你有什么意见或建议,可以私下 PM发布者或作者,这样效果更好。比如你不能放,也许跟你配置、播放器等等均有关系,你不能放不代表别人不 能放。
    我认为,除了say 感谢外,大家还可以简短的在跟帖中做一些影评或人物评价等等,这才是有水准的高质量的评论,这样不但可以提 高大家欣赏电影的水平,更可以给后来者一个借鉴。当然,你想包养发布者也是可以的

    We have repeatedly stressed: Please always respect the authors and publishers, is that they bring you to share, respect for their labor is a virtue!

    All along, always find some students to participate in the seed comments, say some very inappropriate comments, you know, your remarks will not only against the author or the publisher's enthusiasm, or even hurt them, will later , Which is not allowed for each PT station, at this point, please look at the "rules." Such as "wait," "slow, seek speed," "no less," "do not good," "free", "you should do so", "subtitles should be black and white edge" Too much can not Kepan "," I can not play "..... and so on, these are not allowed to publish, to know who DIY is very hard, and it is like engaging in the Spring Festival Evening, difficult, difficult to take care of every A person, DIY are mostly in accordance with their own habits and hobbies to do, if you think you fit under you, not for you, you can not, no one forced. Do you have any comments or suggestions, you can private PM publishers or authors, so that better. For example, you can not put, perhaps with your configuration, players, and so have a relationship, you can not put does not mean that others can not put.
    So how to participate in the comments?
    I think, in addition to say thank you, you can also briefly in the thread to do some film critic or character evaluation, etc., this is a standard of high-quality comments, this will not only improve the level of appreciation of the film, but also give Later, a reference. Of course, you want to nurture the publisher is also possible