Külföldi torrent oldalak HDSky | HDS News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. augusztus 25..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    郑重警告 | Notice for All Chinese users


    目前管理组注意到一个名为“49楼”的公网论坛大量盗取本站资源种子发布至其论坛,其无耻程度已经引起全体 天空会员的强烈愤慨!在此警告该论坛名为“思路高清”的版主,立即停止你的盗种行为!管理组稽查人员已经展 开全面清查!

    针对目前严峻的形式和可能存在的安全隐患,管理组在此郑重警告全体会员,严禁使用115网盘,迅雷离线,q q离线等下载本站资源,在下载软件中务必将DHT关闭。下载时务必注意,避免使用迅雷下载种子文件以及种子 内容,不要将本站种子传到公开的论坛,群共享等等公开场合,以上任何一项都将直接导致您的密钥被迅雷抓取, 从而吸血导致您的下载量飙升,账号被盗。请立即重置你们的密钥和密码,以防流量异常和账号被盗 。

    之前本站已查到不少被盗密钥账户,管理员重置其密钥并pm其存在账户风险,并没有封禁。自26日起,凡是发 现公网密钥被盗暴露至公网的,视为主动泄露密钥和共享账号行为,立即封禁!请大家保护和自己的账号和密钥, 一旦被盗,你将永远告别HDSky!

    本站对该站的盗种行为表示强烈谴责,希望广大会员联合起来,互相监督,维护我们共同的家园,欢迎举报违规转 载行为,提供重大线索者经管理员核实后予以重奖!举报通道:点我




    Solemn Warning | Notice for All Chinese users

    Dear members:

    Public forum currently manages Group noted a "49th floor" of a large number of seed release resources to the site to steal its forum, its shameless level has aroused strong indignation of all Members of the sky! In this warning of the forum titled "Thinking HD" moderator, immediately stop your behaviors Pirates! Management group inspectors have launched a comprehensive inventory!

    Aiming at the severe form and possible security risks, the management group in this solemn warning to all members, prohibited the use of 115 network disk, Thunder offline, qq offline resources and other download site, download the software Be sure to turn off DHT. Be sure to pay attention to download, to avoid the use of Thunder download the torrent file and seed content, not to site the seeds reached the open forum, group sharing, and so publicly, any more than one would be led directly to the Thunder grab your keys, thereby sucking cause your downloads to soar, account theft. Please reset your keys and passwords immediately to prevent traffic anomaly and account theft.

    Before the site has found many stolen key accounts, administrator resets its key accounts and risk pm its existence, and no ban. Since the 26th, those who find the public key is stolen exposed to the public network, and as a volunteer and share accounts leaked key behavior, now banned! Please protect and own account and keys, once stolen, you will never leave HDSky!

    Pirates of the behaviors of the station site strongly condemned, hoping to unite the majority of members, mutual supervision, safeguard our common homeland, welcome to reprint Report abuse behavior, provide significant clues were to be rewarded after administrator verification! Report Channel: point I

    the above,

    HDSky Management Group