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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. november 23..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    2015.11.23 - 关于应对春天无良挑衅和无视PT规则的公告
    最近,某发布者在我天空发布了TrueHD次世代国语版《坚不可摧》,大家都知道,每个素材的制作都是很辛 苦的,一般都应该得到制作者同意才能发布。这个资源的发布者发布时明确注明严禁转载提取发布,但是最近,一 个ID叫“liumin”的人,不顾PT规则,公开提取本资源TrueHD次世代国语音轨发布在春天论坛。 有几个本站会员前去跟帖投诉,希望管理员删除此贴子,没想到春天的管理员“125351715”(据说叫乡 村歌手)却将投诉者也一并禁言了,而且回复的理由也很乖张——“PT才是是恶意偷盗根源,你以为你是谁,敢 来这撒野!”。我们知道之前有个“大师兄”也和春天有类似事件,更是闹得不可开交,春天在这一点上的做法的 确是非常欠妥的。我们经过和春天的交涉无果,他们拒不纠正错误,这让我们感到非常失望。
    鉴于此,出于对PT业界规则的维护,更是出于对素材作者、发布者的尊重和维护,我们在强烈谴责和鄙视春天的 同时(尤其鄙视乡村歌手),做出如下回应:
    1,既然春天如此不讲规则,那么,从今天开始,对于春天出的所有素材资源,我们将不经过同意任意 使用。

    后话:我们跟春天素无过节,也从没得罪过你们,我们不知道你们为什么要这么做,你们的行为让人感到很痛心的 同时,也让我们为整个业界担

    2015.11.23 - Announcement on coping spring unscrupulous provocation and disregard for the rule of PT
    More recently, a publisher in my sky has released the next generation TrueHD Mandarin version of "Unbreakable", we all know, the production of each clip is very hard, it should be produced generally agreed to publish. The publisher publishing resources clearly indicate forbidden to extract release, but recently, an ID called "liumin" of people, regardless of PT rules, disclosure of the resource extraction TrueHD tracks released in the spring of next-generation Mandarin forum. There are several site member to go thread complaint, want the administrator to remove this post, I did not expect spring administrator "125351715" (reportedly called the country singer) puts complainants also be banned on the grounds and reply also very perverse - "PT is the root of malicious theft, you think you are, dare to come this wildly!." We know that there is a "big brother" and also had a similar event in the spring, it is wrangling, spring practice this point is indeed very defective before. We passed and spring of fruitless negotiations, they refused to correct the error, which makes us feel very disappointed.
    In view of this, the rules for the PT industry to maintain, it is out of the material authors, publisher of respect and maintain our strong condemnation and contempt in the spring at the same time (especially despise country singer), made the following response:
    1, since the spring, so the rules do not speak, then, starting today, for all the spring out of the material resources, we will not consent to any use.
    2, someone who raised objections to this site or as country singer said, "run wild", should be ban.
    3, all members of the site, can be arbitrarily reproduced, processing, publishing any resource spring.

    After the words: With spring element no holidays, but it never offend you, we do not know why you want to do, what you do feel very sad at the same time, let us also bear the entire industry