Külföldi torrent oldalak Last-Torrents | LastFiles | LF Hit&run

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. március 07..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    De astazi avem un sistem automat de hit&run care va functiona in felul urmator:

    1.Toate torrentele descarcate trebuiesc tinute la seed minim 12 ore intr-un interval de 7 zile!(ceea ce nu credem ca este exagerat)
    2.Userul care face hit&run primeste automat warn timp de 3 zile!(interval in care daca mai face un hit and run nu va primi alt warn)
    3.Dupa ce userul primeste hit&run torrentul va fi elimitat din lista de snatched a userului!(pentru a nu primi warn din nou)
    4.La mai mult de 10 hit&run userul primeste disable account fara posibilitatea de a mai fi activat!(toata munca depusa pe site inainte de disable va fi in zadar)
    5.Aveti posibilitatea sa eliminati hit&run sau sa faceti ratie 1 la un torrent AICI!
    6.Conturile VIP sunt scutite de la aceste reguli!

    Spor la seed!!!
    Today we have an automatic hit & run system that will work as follows:

    1.All the downloaded torrents must be kept at least 12 hours seeded within 7 days (what we do not think is exaggerated)
    2. The hit & run user gets automatically warned for 3 days (where if a hit and run does not get another warning)
    3.After the user receives the hit & run torrent will be removed from the user's snatched list (not to receive a warning again)
    4.For more than 10 hit & run users get disable account without the possibility of being activated (all work posted on site before disable will be in vain)
    5.You can eliminate hit & run or ration 1 at a torrent HERE!
    6. VIPs are exempt from these rules!

    Spor la seed !!!