Külföldi torrent oldalak How Should Torrenters Come Clean If They Had A Shady Past?

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. február 26..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    For the first time, I'm going to write a blog article where I don't have an opinion, but would gladly like to know yours (especially if you are a tracker staff). Let me begin with a couple of stories.

    The first is our "feel good" story which one of our members wrote about in his blog article a few months ago. To briefly summarize (and he is free to correct me if there are inaccuracies), he joined a trading forum as a private tracker n00b, not realizing how bad trading was. He was never one of those hard-core traders who trade invites like baseball cards and could care less about the trackers. He actually wanted to join these trackers to use them but unfortunately he chose to trade to get in. Now very shortly after doing this, he had a change of heart and decided to "come clean." So he confessed everything he did to us and to his trackers. Some trackers decided to keep him as a member, and some banned him. Because he was upfront with us immediately, we decided to keep him and he has been one of our most active members. He has been upfront about his past with anyone who might offer him an invite. Since "coming clean," he has gotten into other trackers and has been a good member, but other trackers have him on the "bad user" list and don't want him as a member. The important thing is that he has not done any trading since he came clean.

    The second story is a member who has been with us for a long time. While he was a member, he was active here, and he had a decent track record at his trackers. However, he had a "skeleton in his closet." Before he joined TPS, he too, was a member of a trading forum and was a trader. He was even banned at one tracker, but lucky for him his name did not circulate on the "bad user list" that is shared by tracker staff. Recently, he decided to come clean (not here, but somewhere else). Well somehow, word of his "confession" went out amongst his trackers (and to us) and he got nearly globally banned. When the word got back to us, we had no choice but to ban him as well. I am pretty confident he is not a trader now, and this trading activity was in his distant past. But as he was now on the "bad user list," he would compromise our members as well. If he were to invite one of our members to any of his active trackers, or if he were to accept an invite from one of our members, he could cause those members to get banned as he was a targeted man now. I also told him in our private IRC conversation that I was disappointed that we had to learn of his past from other people, and that he might have had a chance if he came clean as soon as he joined. (Like the first person I talked about.) I think this is what differentiates this second torrenter from the first discussed - he did not come clean until much later in his torrenting career.

    So here is the question I post to you. Suppose there's a torrenter out there who was a former trader. He traded either because he didn't know any better, or just didn't realize how seriously trackers look at traders. But he had a change of heart and stopped trading, and is now a "good member" at his trackers. He has good stats, is active, and doesn't associate with "bad users" anymore. How should such a torrenter deal with his past? His concern would be if he came clean he would immediately get on the "bad user list" and get a global ban. So I can understand why he might be reluctant to come clean. Can he count on keeping at least some of his accounts if he confessed? Now if such a person applied to TPS, I would highly encourage this person to let us know of his past either on his application, or via PM/IRC with us immediately upon joining. We would encourage full disclosure of everything that has happened, including naming which trackers have banned him and which ones have kept him. I would then strongly advise this member not to ask for invites or offer invites to trackers without disclosing his past to potential inviters or invitees. (Even better to not get involved with invites at all while here.) I would even prefer this member talk to the staff at his remaining active trackers and let them know of his past, even if it risks him getting banned. (Note the first torrenter I discussed did not get banned from all of his trackers as some of them were forgiving.)
  2. Kékég /

    2013. november 09.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Én úgy gondolom aki tradelni akar mert másként nem tud megszerezni egy trackert vagy más megfontolásból,az tegye,de ne ártatlan felhasználók kárára.Ne belőlük akarjon extra profitot kisajtolni,épp ezért nem lep meg ez a cikk,és sokszor jogosan zárják ki az egykori tradert.Bár mindenkinek kell adni egy második esélyt,de vannak akik nem tudnak,vagy nem akarnak megváltozni.