Külföldi torrent oldalak IndieTorrents | IT Indietorrents Turns 10

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. augusztus 07..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Indietorrents Turns 10

    Happy Birthday!

    Approximately 9 years and 51 weeks ago, drewcifer and a handful of other old codgers created this site in hopes of celebrating independent music and putting emphasis on artists who went against the grain and created music without Big Label influences or ties.

    A decade is a really long time, especially in internet years. There have been a few bumps down the road, but despite it all #IT is still around. Without all of the dedicated users who have shown great compassion, it's obvious that it wouldn't be that way. Thank you to everyone who has donated, contributed and participated.

    Last month we did our first ever Staff Picks freeleech as a part of Baldy's Sweetness. It was an awesome experiment and one that we hope to re-visit in the future. Our initial concern from the beginning of setting that up was that there just wouldn't be a great quantity of torrents, especially compared to the success of True DIY and the likes. Well, to make up for that and to celebrate all of the users (past & present), memories, drunken hazy ramblings in the forum and IRC, dupes, banhammers, site logs, Tom Jones' speedo, and everything else that makes this site special to so many of us, we will be doing a sitewide freeleech for the duration of August.

    Have fun everyone, we love you.