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    2013. augusztus 20.
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    Kraytracker : News
    Kray Staff Picks for 2014

    Happy 2015! Some of the Kray staff have chosen one of their favorite albums from 2014 to share with everyone. These are all freeleech, so have at 'em and let us know what you think. (More may be added over the next few days so keep an eye out for those)

    elpato wrote:
    At the risk of repeating myself yet again, Möngöl Hörde's self-titled album was the one album I truly fell in love with this year. I wasn't familiar with Frank Turner or his other work before I heard this, and it was a fantastic discovery. Staff to Refund Counter is, in my opinion, one of the greatest songs of this decade (or at least one that moved me the most) and even if it was a single with no B-side, I would still be tempted to make this my pick.

    hugeposuer wrote:
    Goodtime Boys - Rain
    Genres: post.hardcore,emo,punk

    At Fest I missed The Descendents to see Goodtime Boys. It was not a mistake.

    redbrigade wrote:
    The Interrupters - Self titled

    I don't like Tim Armstrong much but I like this very much. Its a solid ska reggae with punk vocals by the best female vocalist I have heard for sometime.
    All the tracks are toe tapping and have a uplifting street feel in particular
    The tracks Easy On You & Haven't Seen The Last Of Me.
    Download it. Its fucking awesome

    imnotauser wrote:
    It's gotta be Lack of Sense - Small Lights Over There
    This has been my go-to album since I bought it. It's been a long time since a Japanese band has been at the top of my year list.

    Kev wrote:
    The No Marks - Light Of One

    A bunch of dudes from old British bands got together and made a one of the best debut albums a band could hope to make. Melodic UK punk at its very best.