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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. augusztus 09..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: Libble.me

    This week's musicologist pick

    A new pick from Slugbucket, this will be freeleech for a month:

    King Creosote - Bombshell

    Kenny Anderson is an unlikely star. A bearded accordion player who often fails to reach his own notes on stage, he’s been meandering his tunes around the place for the best part of a decade, delivering countless releases through his own Fence Records. Then suddenly, the spotlight fell on him.
    You could point to KT Tunstall’s involvement on his last album, you might say that the sheer volume of CDR releases got him noticed, but in truth, it’s simply the quality of his songs that have seen him rise to the musical surface.
    Bombshell is his first release written in that spotlight and thankfully, the pressure isn’t showing. It is just as richly idiosyncratic, musically diverse and beautifully understated as its predecessor, KC Rules OK, while being big enough to show that he is ready to step up a gear and embrace, if not the big time, then certainly a larger time.
    Still intact is his rich humour, there’s one jaunty little number that goes by the name of “Cowardly Custard”, but perhaps Anderson’s biggest asset sound-wise is his voice. Just as Richard Hawley is unmistakably Sheffield, Kenny’s fine Fife timbre lulls so sweetly, you could wallow in it for hours.
    Interestingly, Hawley is a good reference point for any KC virgins. While they may be poles apart musically, their self-belief and refusal to follow trends mark them both out as two of the finest singer-songwriters we have at present.
    Bombshell proves that point time and again. Take the heartbreakingly gorgeous insistence of “Home In A Sentence”, the spring-in-your-step sway of “Nooks” or the tender sea shanty, “Admiral”, for example. Each one of them is good enough to distract you from the occasional blemishes that pit the album. After all, he still doesn’t quite know when to finish a song.
    An unlikely star he may be, but there is no escaping it now. If a musical career is a motorway, then Bombshell puts King Creosote into fifth gear and out into the fast lane. Let’s just hope he doesn’t take his eyes off the road and have a Badly Drawn Boy-esque crash.