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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. augusztus 02..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: LzTr.us

    Leave No Artist Behind

    Don't Forget the Artists


    Contrary to popular belief it is a member's responsibility to provide new artist pages at LzTr. The staff has systematically performed this task in the past, which we are happy to do...but it has become apparent that members are unaware of this responsibility. In the future, current members and especially new members should provide artist information for their uploads. It is imperative that members only provide information for new artists because any attempt to alter existing artist pages can lead to a lose of uploading privileges and possible banning from the site. If you are uncertain when making an artist page then review the links below or contact a staff member in the IRC.

    link: Creating an Artist Page

    There is also a section for members to notify the staff of missing information, so please let us know if an artist, track list or tag has been done incorrectly in the past.

    link: Torrents, Groups and Artists Needing Attention

    The staff works very hard to keep LzTr up-to-date and accurate, but it is the members of this community who make it a joy to visit every day. Please help us with artist information, and take time to pay respect to the artist/musicians who make the music we all love and enjoy.

    * The transition to RC2 has brought many great features, but one major feature is multiple artist listings. Members can add the main, guest and remix artists from their favorite albums. Be aware that every new composer, performer and band must be painstakingly updated in our database. Please take the time to review Creating an Artist Page and help whenever possible. If you have difficulty then leave a comment in the Torrents, Groups and Artists Needing Attention thread.