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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. július 05..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    The Annual Fundraiser Concludes - Sitewide Freeleech is In Effect!


    As most of you know, our annual fundraiser to keep the site going for another year has recently come to an end. Securing the amount necessary was extremely close (less than a week remained with a little over $200USD to go) but those of you who could spare the money came through in a pinch and brought it to the finish line.

    It's overwhelming each year to see that the sense of community remains strong with every member, staff and otherwise, showing that they truly enjoy and care about what this site represents and the content it currently houses. Even if you didn't contribute for whatever reason, know that you aren't appreciated any less!

    But before I fall to my knees and weep openly, I just want to say on behalf of all of us: THANK YOU, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU

    In addition to the thanks, as LzTr foretold, there's a benefit to reaching the fundraiser goal and that's sitewide freeleech!

    The end date isn't quite set in stone but expect it to go on for at least a week or two, if not a small bit longer. Of course, over the run of this past year we have had more than a few modifications in place (with a lot of credit being laid toward the hard work of LzTr, jrsdead and robotnik) so there may be some hitches since the last time we had a full-on leech orgy. So keep in mind that if you notice download amounts being counted during this time or torrents not reflecting the free status, please be sure to inform any of us as quickly as you can.

    In the meantime - enjoy it! Here's hoping to the continued existence of this site for more years to come. [​IMG]

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