Külföldi torrent oldalak MyAnonaMouse | MAM Book Hunt Winners

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. december 23..

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    2016. április 14.
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    The BOOK HUNT is a contest presented by MyAnonaMouse in celebration of their 9 year anniversary this December. What better way to celebrate than to have a BOOK HUNT! It will test your ability to solve clues & rhymes to find the books. There are prizes for Mice who can find all 9 books.

    This thread is intended for all Mice to gather and discuss the Hunt. Hope you have a good time with it.

    Congratulations to the winning Mice who were the first of over 500 to
    complete the Book Hunt with some amazing speed !

    1st Place - weirdboy Winner Avatar 25,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for a month

    2nd Place - PPenguin Finalist Avatar 25,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for a month

    3rd Place - deilann Finalist Avatar 25,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for a month

    4th Place - anamaec1 Finalist Avatar 10,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for two weeks

    5th place - Solarflare Finalist Avatar 10,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for two weeks

    6th place - everydayevil Finalist Avatar 10,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for two weeks

    7th place - tayaravaknin Finalist Avatar 10,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for two weeks

    8th place - raidtheruins Finalist Avatar 10,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for two weeks
    9th Place - noonehereGOAD Finalist Avatar 10,000 Bonus Points, 10 FL Wedges, VIP for two weeks
    Many Mice have requested that the clues and answers be posted so here they are!

    1. The Color Purple by Alice Walker
    roses are red, violets are blue, when you mix them, what is the hue?

    2. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
    Find the works, that straddle the diametrically opposed two, worlds described by the Buddha,
    and by Sun Tzu

    3. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
    This clues first part is the theme of every story since creation and full of gall,
    none of us are free from it, and yet no one sees it before the fall

    The second part, is why good apples get left because of they're skin,
    when things are measured for what's without, rather than what's within.

    4. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    The first part is a sorcerer of healing, good with drug and draft,
    named after a creature, fabled for it's eerie laugh.

    The second part is a mystery, leaving no shadow nor making a sound,
    children try to be like him in a game, for he isn't easily found

    5. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

    This word you shall find in two parts, one in an arena outside,
    Where the sound of hooves beat the ground, as throngs watch little men ride.
    Not full throttle nor slow, they go at steady speed,

    The second part is what's done when breath stops, and when the body has no more blood to bleed.

    6. Life of Pi by yann Martel
    Forgive me for describing this memoir, of a character that goes on forever,
    it's illogical and its ways run in circles, but could we understand the world without it? Never.

    7. DUNE by Frank Herbert
    Some say he was a mouse just like you, but he stood on two feet with eyes of blue.
    He traveled the world in an unusual way, determined his place would have it's day
    NOTE: This clue is different. It relates to the main character of a specific book you must find.

    8. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
    Hard to imagine oneself as a fly, but so much harder is this, it turns saint from sinner, it buds
    butterfly from chrysalis.

    9. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
    The first part you will see when you look through the eyes, of a mother and her child, of a playwright at his poem, at a sculptor at his work of pride. The second is something, no man can claim to be, where people fantasize living, and what sailors hope for in a stormy sea.

    There were a number of members who worked on the creation of BOOK HUNT and I want to recognize them here.

    First and foremost: Alaa who wrote the story to set the stage. He also wrote the clues (with the exception of the (infamous #7 which I wrote) We worked together throughout. Thank you Alla for sharing your talent.

    System who took the time to write and get the automated code running to make this event possible. Must have taken him a lot of time. We appreciate you.

    Aeular who stepped up to help when my tech skills fell short. Appreciate it.

    mykaat who developed the Book Hunt Avatars for the winners and small Book Icons we now see.

    Staff who gave freely of their time helping Book Hunters along while still doing their jobs helping Mice.

    Their efforts made the Book Hunt possible