Külföldi torrent oldalak Orpheus | OPS | Apollo News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. február 16..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    In an effort to spur continued growth and give back to our wonderful community, we have implemented one of our predecessor's most popular features - Vanity House featured releases! Starting today, and continuing bi-monthly, we will be showcasing a randomly chosen release found in our Vanity House Forum, which will then be displayed on the front page. These selections will be given Neutral Leech status and will be chosen via unanimous vote from our staff team. If possible, a minimum of 3 releases will be in consideration per rotation.

    For those who are interested in having their music promoted in this fashion, we have a few expectations that need to be met in order to be selected. They are as follows:

    Criteria for promotion
    The four main release formats must be included on a release's torrent page in order to be considered (flac/320/v0/v2)
    Release must include album art/bio/appropriate tags/etc and follow Apollo's upload rules to a T. Those that do not fit our standard upload requirements will not be considered
    All potential choices must be posted in their own thread within the Vanity House Forum. This allows users a chance to interact with the artist and filter discussion from other areas of Apollo
    All vanity house submissions should be uploaded by the original artist who must also be a member of our community. A user may upload an artist's release by proxy only when given permission by the artist to do so. Proof of membership will still be required of the artist in order for their release to be considered for promotion.
    Bandcamp/soundcloud/etc links are preferred, but their absence is not necessarily a deal-breaker

    Note: Trumping of featured vanity house releases will NOT be tolerated. Selections will be given a thorough vetting from staff prior to being selected and we anticipate no issues on this front. If, for any reason, you feel a Vanity House release is uploaded inappropriately, we ask you to respectably PM either the staff or original uploader/artist. This rule only pertains to our featured vanity house releases.

    Lets begin! Our first Vanity House Promotion happens to be the first (and only... hint hint) release to be posted in the Vanity House Forum.


    Cloud 6 - On Losing Everything [2017]

    Electronic / Lo-Fi / Trip-Hop
    Vanity House Thread

    If you have any questions about the selection criteria, or Vanity House releases in general, please contact Merlin. All other questions/comments/happy thoughts can be directed to the announcement thread: forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=5855
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