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    2016. április 14.
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    Now that we are steadily back on our feet, Apollo staff's main goal is growth - not only in music uploads and users - but in site design and the implementation of new features. To that end, we are seeking any and all developers who are interested in helping push Apollo that much closer to Olympus.

    If interested and you happen to be proficient in any or all of these languages: PHP, MySql, Python, C++ and Javascript, please PM one of our newest Developers: W.

    In other news (and for those who may have missed it), our HTTPS tracker (mars.apollo.rip) is back online! Same goes for our email server, which means the invitation system is also back in full swing. Our interview team is regrouping and are soon to be back in action recruiting new members to our community. If you are interested in being an interviewer, please send Sea a PM!

    The Elephant in the Room

    Many of you have raised concerns regarding the timing of A's short return, the donation drive and our connection with SCC. In the past we have felt that dignifying these rumors with comment would do nothing but fan the flames sparked by our greatest detractors. However, now that we are off to a brand new start, we feel it is best to set these records straight, wipe the slate clean and move along accordingly.

    Despite the appearance of coincidences, no, we literally have no connection whatsoever with SCC - plain and simple. The initial favor they did for Apollo by vouching for our credibility was done because one of our staff is also friends with a member of their admin team. SCC's recent downtime is not a product of our services being on the same servers, nor do we share donations between the two sites, nor do staff alternate between the two sites. Put in another way, we have as much connection with SCC as we do with OiNK.

    A's comings and goings here were always weekly, mainly to reset the server or pay the monthly bills. He did so while having no communication with staff. For a short time, there were definitely worries he may have been ran off with Apollo's donation money, as we had no access to the account to verify. Now that we do, we are ecstatic to inform everyone that ALL donations, past and present, are accounted for and will continue being used to sustain Apollo's future growth. Also, we are limiting our bus factor substantially and these accounts are no longer in the hands of a single staff member.

    For those who remain unconvinced, we apologize for giving you reason to doubt. In the days and weeks and months to come, our actions will inevitably speak much louder than these words.

    Onward & Upwards

    It is quite possible we have mentioned this before, but there is so much more to come in the following weeks. As we continue to build on our current foundation, the implementation of several requested features and community events will be taking place. We look forward to sharing all of this with you soon and wish to express our ever-growing gratitude to everyone who stood by Apollo during these last few, often frustrating, months in order to keep the momentum going.

    Your selfless encouragement has been humbling and consistently renews our determination to make Apollo the best damn private music tracker out there. If we have lost you along the way, no worries... we are excited for the opportunity to gain your trust once again!


    -APL Staff-

    Discuss this post here: forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=7508
    Utoljára szerkesztve moderátor által: 2017. július 23.
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