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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. július 31..

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    2016. április 14.
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    BP points announcement

    For the last events I want to formally apologize to each user of this tracker for the inconveniences we have caused you.

    Now the explications, I know you hate but i need to put this mess to rest once for all.

    The reasons i decided to remove all users points is to make a baseline and stats of the system to see if is working properly and to see how many points you guys gain over an period of time and the second reason is to remove all exceeding points that where put by the system in error.

    In order to perfect the system i need to use the user seeding torrents and behaviour. To make this change we removed everyone's points.

    You hit us with shit, now we hit back :tef293:) perfect expression

    I received some PMs and you posted some comments but you are a few people but you scream loudly and make us shitty.

    I'm a good guy and want to make it fair but on the other hand is fair users to receive huge amounts of BP without working on them? I take them in order not to use them. Why ?

    First they where given in error, second users don't report anything. No one has send a pm or report or staff message asking why their points has raised so much, why bonus page isn't working. Many don't even know the cap was 5000!

    Many users make such a fuss that is seems I stole them their house, instead I barely stole them a penny.

    Again some say how hard they gain the points. How hard ? You upload like 10 torrents and you get those BP or upload 2 movies and get the upload instead. Why people don't get it what they lost is too little in exchange what they gain? They invoke things like trust and other stuff.

    Even worse the one who give me shit regarding are the one who did not contribute to the community at all or very little. I didn't see one guy who contributed big time here complain. I myself lost the same way as everybody here and builded back the day after.

    Don't forget you being a member here is a privilege, not a right. We the staff ca remove or add stats at on own exten like a local council can decide stuff in your town.

    As these said, when the testing was done (near future), we planned to reward , all users with a considered amount of 10k-50k for their lost and contribution to the new system,it wasn't a final decision when i made the announcement. But no worry due the last events everybody will receive back the exact bonus points they lost, no more, no less.(yes we have a backup). If many of you are too concern to preserve their points and not see the bigger picture shall be it.

    After the BP announcement I was expected users to focus on the new system and how to make BP, hanging to old BP and not making new is pointless.

    I asked in the post to share your opinions with the new system, no one has bother to give a real opinion, instead complains regarding very little BP points that you can't buy anything with them.

    *Also for those who doesn't agree with this new BP system: Is your choice, nobody is enforcing to use the system, you can torrent like usual. This system is to give users more option in perks and facilities and to reward their hard seeding and biggest to increase user seeding (How many times you have found a dead torrent you wanted? Answer: Too many times!). Since now there wasn't any reward for that,only for uploading torrents, but now is big time. Enjoy!

    I expect only BUGs, impressions and questions regarding the new system. My great concern is the exchanges rates. Are there too high or too low? How hard is to build points ? That's the posts/comments/feedback I want to see!

    Regarding Invites,I will proceeding to reset invites to 10 of users that have more than 10, but i will let you a heads up(1 week) and I will refund the taken invites. Just PM before 2017-08-04, me or neversoft2!

    Also who is passionate by stats. In 4 days:
    Total users who make BP: 4969
    Average points made by now 2198, ~ avg 500BP/day
    most points made by a user in 4 days 195 197 .