Külföldi torrent oldalak Casa Torrent | CT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. augusztus 14..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hello to all dear members of the site :tef293:,

    We send you this message to let you know the latest changes in our tracker, changes taking effect from 13/08/2017:

    - Recruitment of a new moderator. We would like to welcome TidZ among us, so that, with GuS2SuG, it will fulfill the function of moderator. I hope that he will be pleased with us and that he will be able to help you in case of any problem encountered.
    We also announce the recruitment of a new moderator at a later date, so the entries remain open and postings can be made by message to the Staff (https://casa-torrent.be/contactstaff.php)
    - Modification of freeleech torrents. After detailed analysis of the downloaded data and the ratio of our members, we decided to increase the volume limit set for freeleech to 6 GB (formerly 4 GB).
    - Better compliance with upload rules. Indeed, it is essential to be aware of the importance of presenting correct TAGs, PREZs and NFOs, which allow users to have at their disposal all the information enabling them to judge whether the proposed upload corresponds , Or not, to their expectations.

    Your uploads will thus no longer be as easily validated if they do not respect the basic upload rules, namely a correct TAG, a suitable PREZ, the information about the quality of the release (including format, codecs AND bitrates, languages (With VFF / VFQ / VFI if applicable), subtitles and file size) and the presence of a .nfo file. In order to take or re-familiarize with these different rules, we refer you to the site rules here: https://casa-torrent.be/rules.php

    Failure to comply with these rules will result in your upload placed "on hold", a PM with the changes to be sent will be sent to you and a 24-hour deadline will be granted to make it compliant (the Staff remain at your disposal to help you To perform this task). Beyond these 24 hours, and in the absence of correction initiative on your part, the upload will be validated and the torrent will be deleted.

    We also take advantage of this moment to remind you that if you want to be able to upload in our TK, you will have to obtain the status of "Power User". The latter is obtained after sharing a volume of 250GB or by special request to the staff by mentioning your motivations (https://casa-torrent.be/contactstaff.php).

    We wish you all a pleasant moment on our tracker :tef293:

    - DrShall
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