Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. október 10..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Hello MTV users!

    The Staff would like to update you on a few items:

    PureVPN will be banned for use at MTV as of this posting. PureVPN’s recent involvement in an FBI case has shown that they willfully keep and produce logs to authorities. This is bad for any of you using their service, and bad for everyone in the torrenting community as a whole. If you currently use this service, stop using it ASAP for your own good. We welcome discussions on alternatives to PureVPN in our forums.

    On Saturday the 14th of October, some slight changes will be made to the auto-upload bots in an effort to further progress on the new (soon to be released) upload bot. We are very excited about Hydra2’s release and can’t wait to get it implemented. Auto uploaded releases will have more complete info, screenshots, mediainfo and far fewer errors! Unfortunately, due to the changes in the bots, some Scene shows may be missed. Those users with upload permissions may fill in the missing blanks, or you may request shows that you see missing. We thank you for your patience while ironing this out.

    We have positive progression on many of the approved suggested improvements to the site, and have established a Gitlab for development and testing purposes. Currently, we are in need of PHP and SQL expertise. If any users have this knowledge and wish to contribute, please send a StaffPM. We are very eager to bring about these updates and features to the end users, so please help us to achieve this goal!
