Külföldi torrent oldalak MyAnonaMouse | MAM News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. július 19..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    Support Staff Needed

    As always, our need for technical help is greater than the supply of those currently able to give it. So, we are looking for talented and patient individuals to give aid to those mice who are suffering from a lack of connectivity and now need some aid getting their clients to work as designed.

    We are looking for Support Staff in IRC.

    Support Staff are the front line of our real-time support effort. They man our support channels and answer general queries in the main discussion channel. Support Staff start by conducting new member interviews after appropriate training.

    Potential staff should have a good working knowledge of how bit torrent, the internet and computers work - a number of technical queries will involve becoming connectable. This doesn't mean that all staff members need to be experts, but they do need to know enough to find the information needed to help resolve the issue. For instance, finding and providing the correct info on forwarding ports and being familiar enough with the common torrent clients to help the user configure a custom port if needed. It is also a plus if you have familiarity with seedboxes, creating torrents, ebook/audiobook management, TeamViewer, and/or IRC.

    While the majority of our support cases are from Windows users, if you can also support a non-Windows platform we would be especially pleased to hear from you.

    If you are interested, please open a new ticket and we will provide you with more information. Please do not include any personally identifiable information: names, telephone numbers, email addresses, Facebook profiles, etc.

    (Please note - only those who have been a member of this site for at least 8 weeks can apply. So, if you are a recent addition to our happy family, please wait a few weeks before applying. This condition is non-negotiable.)