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    2016. április 14.
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    It's time to say goodbye...

    Since last summer, real life has been really tough on me. I have been really busy with work and other unrelated, important matters. For these reasons, I wanted to resign my position as administrator on Apollo at the end of the previous summer, since I knew things would only get worse from there on.

    However, as you all know, shit went sideways last summer with the old sysops O and W leaving the site and all its members to rot. All of the staff, including myself, decided that we would not let that happen. Since I was the highest ranking staff member, and the only one with enough knowledge to set up a new tracker, I was the only one able to lead the resurrection of the new site. (For which I refuse to take full credit, since all the staff worked very hard on it)

    As soon as I started making plans for the new site, I knew I needed a second sysop. Not only because it's a damn good idea to share the keys, but also because I was still planning to quit as soon as the circumstances allowed it. I put my faith in Spine since I knew they would be a good leader once I would be gone, and the past few months have only confirmed that. S*** is a great sysop, both technically and community-wise.

    Now things are sailing smoothly, and most of the hard work has been cleared, I consider my job done. It hasn't always been easy, and I stayed up quite a few nights getting it done, but here we are. I have enjoyed every single minute of it. The staff team is like a family, one that has been very nice and warm to me since the days I was a forum moderator. (back in early 2017)

    Even more than the staff team, I absolutely love the community of this site. I loved talking shit in IRC with you, helping people with their issues, organizing events, and keeping things up and running. Thank you for all these wonderful moments, I have always taken great satisfaction from them. The community makes a tracker what it is, please stay awesome!

    When I decided to leave the staff team, S*** and I made absolutely certain that things would remain smooth-sailing after my departure. In order to keep 2 sysops (since we want to avoid a situation similar to the old Apollo site), we have recruited a new sysop, Q**. Q** is a very competent individual that S*** and I know for quite a long time now. You can rest assured that Q*** and S** will run the site just as well or maybe even better than S*** and I did in the past. I taught both of them everything I know, and I will remain available to them if they ever need information or advice from me.

    Before wrapping this up, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that made this place possible in the first place. Many thanks to OiNK and What.cd for paving the way. Many thanks to all the hard-working staff on this site, keeping the place tidy and free of bad folk. Many thanks to our devs, for working tirelessly on this rather difficult codebase and other important side-projects such as Hermes. Many thanks to all the friends I made here over the years (you know who you are), I had one hell of a time. But most of all, many, many thanks to all the members of the site, without you lot there would be no reason to run a site in the first place.

    As a final present to you, and in order for you filthy pirates to remember me, Rush - 2112 will be Freeleech permanently. Keep on rocking and fighting the good fight against those who want to destroy the love of sharing.

    Peace out.

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