Külföldi torrent oldalak BeyondHD | BHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Mixx hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. május 07..

  1. Mixx /

    2015. október 16.
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Migration to UNIT3D is fast approaching. Please read the following notes:
    1. The password "bridge" or reserve password function has been removed in favor of a way for members to transfer their U232 password directly on the new site. This removes any hassles for members who no longer have access to their email address. A clearly visible link to the transfer password feature will be located on the new sites login page.
    2. Moments before final migration begins, this site will become unavailable. Depending on speed of migration and testing, the site will remain unavailable for up to 24 hours but we estimate unavailability to be much shorter than that.
    3. After migration has completed, there may be a short period where you receive "Permission or Access Denied" on the new site. This is to be expected as there will be a gradual roll out of access.
    4. Once everything is running smoothly, expect some exciting changes to classes, more ways to spend BP and many more great things to come in the future!
    For those looking for estimated start times for migration, currently the plan is for it to begin within the next 12 to 24 hours.The staff at BeyondHD really appreciate your patience and hope the wait will be worth it! Remember, this is just phase one of the project. We have many things planned for phase two.
    Thanks again,
    - BeyondHD
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