Külföldi torrent oldalak Racing4Everyone | R4E News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Mixx hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. május 24..

  1. Mixx /

    2015. október 16.
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    HnR rules updated, account pruning system enabled

    HnR warning longevity has been increased from 7 days to 14 days. This means that any new HnR warnings now stay active for 14 days. Otherwise HnR rules are untouched. This change is done to reduce systematic hit and running.

    Account pruning system is now enabled. This means that you need to login at least once every 90 days or alternatively keep at least 1 torrent seeding. Failure to do so will result in your account being disabled. After getting disabled, you have additional 30 days grace period during which you can reinstate your account by simply logging in. Failure to do so will result in your account being pruned and you will lose access to the site.
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