No Rest For The Wicked

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. január 07..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    [infobox:1k2achut]No Rest for the wicked
    Posted Jan-03-12 by alizilla

    for those of you who were lucky to have time off over the holidays !

    Welcome back !

    For everyone else ( including most our staff ) , hi .... whatup..?

    Last time we posted.. we had covered all our bills up until 8th JAN , and that's right around the corner..

    "We're Covered till January 8th"

    Which is getting closer and closer real fast.. Want to help keep all systems running ?

    Make a donation Via PayPal -|- Make a donation by Flatter -|- bitcoin: 15eQHMB8VY5rHWbjy6G2SB6UqCLzEMt44j

    Help in other ways... There are sponsored links at the t shirt shop, but there's generally a seven week delay in payouts, so this wont help us here...
    Have a 'look' at some sponsored links at the t shirt shop next time you are at school, work and elsewhere ?

    More details on how to donate can be seen here
    Details on how donations are spent can be found in the VIP forums

    Still to come :
    A new inline IRC client , allowing all users to access the PTM IRC server without their own client or previous know how in IRC .
    Updates on PTM hoodies to follow shortly.

    Old News :
    A new content section for daily releases of apps and music has been added.
    This section is under the "MP3/0day" menu item under Torrents.

    RSS - Security Overhaul.
    There was a couple passkey leaks into google, quickly spotted and shut down. To prevent future leaks the RSS system has had a overhaul.
    RSS will only be allowed to the IP address you login to the site from and/or are seeding from.
    While testing we found a few seedbox users were affected by the new security additions, we have added an "ip address" box to your profile page, for you to enter the IP address of your seedbox if you are experiencing any problem.
    This is not required for normal use...

    Edited 2012-01-03 06:30:25 by alizilla[/infobox:1k2achut]