Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP Birthday Interviews!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. november 17..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Re: PassThePopcorn

    Birthday Interviews!

    Pass the Popcorn has turned three and it's got us all in a reflective mood. We took a cue from What.CD's recent birthday celebration and arranged for a few of our users to interview some of the staff members that have gotten us this far.

    First check out jcovert's interview with trza. trza's been staff longer than a lot of us so he has a pretty great understanding of the site's long history.

    For the opposite end of the seniority totem pole check out cokebabies's interview with Machenic. Machenic may have been a user for a while but he's the newest member of staff, one of the most important things he brings to the table is fresh eyes. Read the interview for some of his thoughts on the site and the bittorrent community.

    Last (for now) but not least is jcovert's interview with Halfang. Those of you who know Halfang probably know him best as our resident forum guru. Those of you who don't should probably get to know him. This interview is a good place to start!

    Keep checking the front page, we plan to roll out more interviews with the rest of staff. We've had fun participating in these and we hope you'll all have fun reading them.

    Since staff aren't the only thing that's kept this site around for three years (not even the most important thing) we wanted to celebrate our users as well. Along with staff interviews these posts will also be clearing out all of the remaining user picks from the bonus points store.
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