Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 05..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    January Updates Episode III

    Now for our last bit of January news.

    As we hinted in the last post, the long-awaited (and long in the making) re-write of our rules is finally complete. Please be sure to go and read them in full. Just like it was a requirement for you to be well-versed in the rules when you joined, we expect it of you now.

    There were very few real rule changes, the project was more about making the rules easier to understand and to follow. First, staff took a crack at writing them. Then we handed them over to our trusty Torrent Masters to get their input and pick up on some things we may have missed. Finally, with one last pass over them from staff, they're ready on rules.php for all of you to read (and follow!).

    A few of the most major changes:
    • We will no longer be allowing sample files. While we are discouraging other files such as NFOs and images, they have yet to be banned outright.
    • We now allow two 720p torrents and two 1080p torrents instead of just one of each. We've been allowing them in certain cases in the past, it is now a site-wide rule.
    • We will now be allowing two standard definition MKV torrents of varying sizes.
    • File names must clearly include the title of the movie. No hard to understand abbreviations or other nonsense.

    Thanks to all the staff and Torrent Masters who helped write the rules, and thanks to 312c for getting them up on the site.

    Again, make sure you read the rules in full to pick up on any and all changes.