Külföldi torrent oldalak Pedro's BTMusic / xbtmusic | Pedro Summer Donations Promotion

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' gerry6 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. június 26..

  1. gerry6 /

    2011. július 14.
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    Summer donations promotion

    Dear users,

    the summer is coming and we have a small donations promotion for you. Until the end of July all donations x ≥ 50 EUR will receive twice (2x) the GB buffer bonus, and all those x ≥ 100 EUR get triple (3x) the buffer bonus, and finally, all x ≥ 150 EUR will get 5 times the buffer bonus. Do yourself a summer gift and help the Site in the process. That's it! Have fun!

    We wish you lotsa sun this summer!