Külföldi torrent oldalak PirateTheNet | PTN Pirate City News - 17 Dec 2010

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2010. december 18..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: PirateTheNet

    2010-12-18 - Pirate City News - 17 Dec 2010 -
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    Pirate City News - 17 Dec 2010

    1. Intro & Merry Christmas
    2. Out With The Old and In With the New
    3. Classic Movie Weeks
    4. Independent Movie
    5. Irc Comp
    6. Staff Auctions
    7. Coders


    Well, this will probably be the last news before Christmas, I might do one in-between Christmas & New Year, so for the moment may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and I hope you all have a wonderful time of sharing & caring with your families for once, and for those who are doing other things, may I wish you all a Happy Holidays and just enjoy some quality time with your family and friends.


    So, Out With The Old and In With the New is a very popular saying at this time of year when we get ready to welcome the New Year in, and we at PtN are no different.

    What will that mean for us I hear you all ask? Well, commencing from 01 Jan 2011, we will have a new team in place here at PtN, and that team will be the Torrent Quality Control Team and it will be their task to rid PtN of those older torrents of a less quality than we need to keep here. In effect, as a new better quality torrents are uploaded, the previous older torrent will be deleted even if there are seeders. The seeders will be PMd to say this torrent has been deleted as a newer higher quality now exists on the tracker and we would appreciate that you now jump on this newer torrent to seed that one if at all possible.

    Yes, this will reduce the number of overall torrents, but ultimately what we will be left with is those torrents of DVDRip and above that are deemed of a quality worth retaining on our tracker, and removing ourselves of those CAMs, TSs etc that need not be seeded for the long term.

    There is a poll & a discussion thread Here that you may wish to participate in and leave feedback if you wish.

    I am sure you will all agree though, long term this can only be of benefit to leave only high quality torrents being seeded here at PtN.


    Classic Movie Weeks. We have decided to showcase during 2011 movies from 1950 - 1999, each new week being allocated to a single year, such as something like this:

    Week 1 of 2011 (from the first Monday in 2011) that is left blank to give time for everyone to recover from Christmas and New year festivities.

    Week 2 (from the 2nd Monday 10 Jan - through to Sunday 16 Jan) is 1950
    Week 3 (from the 3rd Monday 17 Jan - through to Sunday 23 Jan) is 1951
    Week 4 (from the 4th Monday 24 Jan - through to Sunday 30 Jan) is 1952

    And we urge and encourage anyone & everyone to get as much involved as you can and get those old movies upped and shared.

    I will do a more detailed announcement in the next news post, but this is a kind of heads up to ask you all to get your old movies lined up and ready to be shared & enjoyed by audiences both old & new.


    Independent Movie - I would just like to bring to your attention an independent movie uploaded to here at PtN by its Director as explained in this thread Here , Please leave your thoughts and feedback in the thread and I'm sure the Director would love to hear from you, and especially if you can assist in further distribution around the BT Community.


    Comps - this one is run by Pirat3r and A Diamond A Day is on offer if you are lucky enough to win one - more about this here Pirat3r's Christmas IRC Contest


    Staff Auctions - Please don't forget to visit the Auctions regularly as there is auctions run by staff that are not your run of the mill type auctions

    Pop along and spend some of that well earned gold in a more fun way.


    Coders - I am now able to forumlate a team of coders to help take PtN to the next level. If you are interested or were previously interested, then please PM to discuss this further.


    So, till the next time, I really do hope you all have a wonderful time in whatever you are doing between now & then

    You may discuss this whole topic Here