Külföldi torrent oldalak PixelHD | PxHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. augusztus 18..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Minecraft, Server's, LiMEY's Oh MY!

    Well, pretty much the standard here at PiXEL ... changes!

    • Minecraft ... who play this thing anyway ? Please comment if you even use it!? We also need someone familiar with it to run it if you want to keep it - if not - its on the chopping block to save precious time and donations.

    • New Server... HOPEFULLY. We're working hard to move us to a more efficient and cheaper option. It'll be mostly transparent to you but what we will be forcing is a password change, with such a move we'd like to start as from ground-zero as possible, so expect that in the near future!

    • Graphics... Games... Oh BOY! LiMEY has been hard at work coming up with new graphics, games and other "hidden" goodies. As soon as we complete our move we'll be rolling out some of these things ... how we manage to keep up with all these changes I don't know ! But that's what makes us the best HD Tracker out there!

    As always, if you have questions don't be afraid to ask!


    - PiXELHD Staff