Külföldi torrent oldalak Blutopia | BLU Please help

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. január 19..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    UNIT3D is an AGPL-3.0 licensed open-source project and is completely free to use. However, the amount of effort and time needed to maintain and develop new features for the project is not sustainable without financial backing. If you are already enjoying the productivity of using UNIT3D, please consider donating as a sign of appreciation. But that's not the only way of helping UNIT3D. You can also come forward with your ideas on new or current features on Github or give a helping hand with a PR. Report Bugs. There is also our Discord! Thanks, the development of UNIT3D will only make BLU better and better.