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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' kereső hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 29..

  1. kereső /

    2011. február 13.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Mar 11 2013, 08:56 PM
    As you may have noticed, during the last two months the donations bar was near to 10% all the time. Our hosting fees are payed for another 30 days. If the donation bar doesn't reach 100% until then, we will be forced to announce our permanent downtime.
    If you don't support companies that produce movies/games/etc at least support those who offer it for free.
    This is our chance to thank our users that helped us keeping this website alive until now.
    We hope that we will reach 100% donations to be able to pay for another month our bills.
    We need your support!

    //pbt staff