Potuk : News Christmas skin and Christmas Offers Well its that time of year again.. The skin has been enabled, and as from the 6th December, until the 3rd Janurary, we will be setting the whole board to zero download stats, but all normal upload stats per usergroup will still apply as they do now.. So anyone struggling will have a whole month to also improve on their ratios, without affecting themselves with anything they download. (so your ratios will only be able to go one way.. and thats up) You will still be expected to try and seed, and this bonus is not an excuse to hit and run, as seems to becoming the norm these days. Anyone who is ratio restricted right now, cannot benefit from this unless you either buy some upload credit, or seed back some of your previously downloaded torrents, until the point you climb out of the restrictor. As a side Bonus and second chance (not those who have taken advantage of previous second chances....we have added staff usernotes to anyone that has done in the past)... anyone who either upgrades to elite for a year, or purchases a minimum of £20 upload credit can have their accounts reset to day 1 stats.. ie we can wipe you to 0 downloaded and 5gb uploaded. If you wish to take advantage of this, you must either pm myself or phe after payment and ask this to be sorted manually for you.. (this will take upto 48 hours to get round to... we both work nowadays and not about as much as we used to be) For anyone upgrading to elite in the whole of december, that doesnt need to take advantage of the above offer, but wants a little something out of potuk, if you also pm us after upgrading for 3 months or more, we will extend your subscription by 1,2 or 3 months, depending if you upgrade for 3,6, or 12 respectively. Finally, anyone who wishes to purchase upload gigs alone.. we will double this, if you also pm us. all pms will need to be accompanied by a paypal transaction id and details of the offer you wish to take part in.. you cannot take advantage of more than one of the offers in one transaction. You will need to be clear which route you would like to take as this all has to be done and checked manually All of us at POTUK wish you and your families a very happy Christmas, and look forward to 2015 with you all Admin