Külföldi torrent oldalak Concertos | Cl Redesigning Concertos from the ground up

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    2011. június 15.
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    Dear users,

    You may have already noticed some design changes to Concertos. This is part of the complete redesign of the website from the ground up.

    This redesign by Ryuu has been in the works for some time. When we started Concertos, we used the UNIT3D codebase as a starting point that although looks nice by default, it is rather poorly coded in some aspects. The default design of UNIT3D is one of those aspects that really needed to be reworked.

    The goals of the redesign include:
    • Making the code easier to maintain.
    • Require less server and client side resources.
    • Creating a more timeless website design as opposed to the default 'app' design.
    You may experience a degraded user experience while this is happening. We apologize for the inconvenience, but these are necessary steps for the future of Concertos.

    If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here: https://concertos.live/forums/topic/60

    ~The Staff
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