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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. március 23..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    Hello, everybody! It is information only serves to alert users to have attention to their shares and especially the HIT & RUN, need not always have the torrents to sow 24 hours a day. I also warn that shortages of respect to any member of STAFF in especially because of the HIT & RUN will be disabled at the time. the system is detecting the user who has not complied with one of the rules of HIT & RUN and goes to a listing of hundreds of hITS, the STAFF member just click to be sent notices and their locks Gold, and how to calculate the STAFF member will not open each user profiles to see whatever it is, because so was not anything in life. I hope you understand, because what is intended is that sharing prevail. . and now the information FAQ Read here: RULE FAQ what is Hit & Runs . they are marked by Automatic System as Hit & Runners all users who complete a torrent and stop sowing the Staff works to these situations with the following criteria: - You finished the torrent and stopped sowing, whether or not leechers (users to draw) assets; - the user has been inactive on that torrent more than 36 hours; - the user ratio in this torrent is less than 0:50 or upload time this torrent is less than 72 hours (real). [SEE NOTE] When one of the conditions above are met, the user receives a warning two days. During this time it gets a download block in torrents Gold will be sent an automatic PM alerting him to the situation and lose so . 5 points Seed Bonus Given the recurrence in such situations any user is subject to view your blocked downloads for 3 days or more. And before higher recurrence in such situations any user is subject to view your disabled account. NOTE: - Please note that actual 72h are not the same as three days, but the actual hours that the torrent is available. - If only available one hour a day, it will take 72 days to fulfill this requirement, if the torrent is maintained with ratio less than 0.50. - the torrent may be available only one time each day, the computer is turned on day and night is not necessary. - There may be off is more than 24 hours straight while the individual torrent ratio is less than 0 50. Cump. MigCine