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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. március 15..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    Recruiting Uploader (Update)

    Deoarece mereu dorim sa ne imbunatatim serviciile si sa va aducem filmele si serialele preferate cu o viteza cat mai mare, am stabilit un parteneriat cu SEED.ST.
    Toti userii care achizitioneaza un seedbox de la partenerii nostrii sunt rugati sa posteze aici dovada pentru a primi premiul oferit de SceneFZ.

    Dovada consta intr-un screenshot la pagina ACEASTA.
    Cand va logati
    Sa se vada numele Dumneavoastra de acolo ( nu va preocupati fara parola nimeni nu poate accesa contul Dumneavoastra )
    + model seedbox cumparat
    Modelul il gasiti in adresa cu , care va conectati de pe pagina browser-ului Dumneavoastra preferit
    Si poate fi gen : eut -eul-euh-eu-eum
    + Dovada achizitie
    Exemplu plata prin paypal screenshot la pagina ce declara ca a fost efectuata plata catre seed.st in valoare de x euro
    ( puteti cenzura numele si alte date personale prezente )

    Premiile sunt dupa cum urmeaza:
    Bronze Membership - 1000 SP + 1 luna VIP
    Silver Membership - 2500 SP + 2 luni VIP
    Gold Membership *1 - 5000 SP + 4 luni VIP
    Gold Membership*2 - 7000 SP + 4 luni VIP

    Extra premii:
    1. Daca reinnoiti pachetele Bronze sau Silver de 3 ori, premiile se dubleaza.
    2. Daca reinnoiti pachetul Gold v1-v2 de 3 ori aveti VIP PERMANENT.
    3. Daca achizitionati pachete diferite de cele Basic de 3 ori prezente la prima vedere pe site-ul partenerilor nostri Premiile pot fi diverse ( in favoare Dumneavoastra automat ).

    Divers de Basic ? Da puteti alege un HDD mai mare la fiecare plan prezent deja acolo

    Daca doriti sa achizitionati un seedbox dar nu stiti cum, cereti-ne ajutorul si va asistam noi!

    *** Premiile vor fi oferite NUMAI celor ce vor inchiria LUNAR seedbox-uri . Inchirierea saptamanala a unui sau mai multor seedbox-uri nu va fi premiata.


    Because we always want to improve our services and bring to you your favorite movies and TV series with the fastest speed, we have established a partnership with SEED.ST.
    All users who purchase a seedbox from our partners are asked to post here the proof for receiving the prize offered by SceneFz.
    The proof consists in a screenshot of THIS page.
    When you log in:
    Your name should be visible (don’t worry, without the password no one can access your account)
    + Type of seedbox acquired
    You will find the type of the seedbox in the address you connect with on your favorite browser page.
    It can look like this: eut, eul, euh, eu, eum
    + Proof of the acquisition
    For example: a screenshot of the page with the payment via Paypal that declares that the payment of x euros was made to SEED.ST.
    ( you can censor the name and other personal details )
    The prizes are:
    Bronze Membership - 1000 SP + 1 month VIP
    Silver Membership - 2500 SP + 2 months VIP
    Gold Membership *1 - 5000 SP + 4 months VIP
    Gold Membership*2 - 7000 SP + 4 months VIP

    Bonus prizes:
    1. If you renew the Bronze or Silver pack for 3 times, the prizes doubles.
    2. If you renew the Gold pack v1-v2 for 3 times you have PERMANENT VIP.
    3. If you acquire packs other than the Basics for 3 times which are at first sight on our partners site, there can be various prizes (automatically in your favor).

    Other than the Basic? Yes, you can choose a bigger HDD for each plan already present there.
    If you wish to acquire a seedbox but you don’t know how, ask for our help and we will assist you!
    ***The prizes will be offered only to those who will rent monthly seedboxes; The weekly rent of one or several seedboxes will not be awarded.