Külföldi torrent oldalak SceneXpress | SeX News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Altair hozta létre. Ekkor: 2010. november 07..

  1. Altair /

    2010. július 31.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Re: SceneXpress

    Seed Bonus Updates - 2010-11-05
    Sexy SeX Members,
    It seems some details about how our seed bonus system works was left out of the news report, so heres a more indef look.

    The system awards a extra bonus of +0.50 per gig per torrent after the first month of seed time and +0.25 per gig per torrent per month after that. The extra bonus bypasses the 100 point limit, but only on the first 100 gigs worth of torrents. (Don't worry, the system counts torrents with a higher seed time first)

    Lets say you have two torrents that have been seeded for a month and one that has been seeded for less then a month.

    Torrent one is 80 gigs (1 month seed time)
    Torrent two is 25 gigs (1 month seed time)
    Torrent three is 10 gigs (less then a month seed time)

    The system would count torrent one as 120 gigs (80 * 1.5 == 120)
    and count torrent two as 30 gigs (20 (to keep it at 100 gigs) * 1.5 = 30)
    The system would ignore torrent three.

    Then would give you 150 bonus points.

    Point of this post is: longer you seed, more bonus you get.

    SeX Crew