Few updates on TC If you are having issues with your torrent clients saying something about ssl and https or about a 'secure channel'; try using qbittorrent or upgrade windows XP to 7. This error is because of certain weak ssl ciphers that I've decided to drop support for in the interest of keeping TC secure. I am happy to announce in doing so we now have an A+ rating on the Qualy's ssllabs test! You can click here to see for yourself! While I am sorry for those that are affected (windows xp users using older torrent clients like ut2.x.x and before) we did this in the interest of security. If you're having any problems that you think may be related to this change please Pm Ieatscrayons with as much info as possible(Os, client, versions of both..etc)! Also there may be some intermittent downtime over the next 2 weeks while we work on switching the site to a new server host and server. More info will follow on that as it happens! Congratulations To Jantje Who has Won LifeTime SuperVIP! Thank you to everyone who donated this month. Join our IRC and earn 15 bp per hour! irc.thecafe.me 6667 (or +6697) The IRC is the best place to reach the staff team with any account or site issues. Click Here for the Web IRC or Click Here for an in depth IRC tutorial for setting up your own IRC client. DonatedPlease consider donating if you can afford to. Donated