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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. április 25..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Many Events Are Happening Now! Most current TG.bz Events End On May 1.
    After reading this Announcement, be sure to read the two previous Announcements for more events!

    The First TG Debate Was A Success!

    A big thank you to everyone who participated in the debates and discussions. As mentioned, all members are free to see the PDF transcript of the event and to vote for who they feel made a better or stronger argument. All who vote will get:

    2 GB of ratio per vote (for a max of 8GB) if you were part of the live audience.

    1 GB of ratio per vote (for a max of 4GB) if you're judging based on the transcript.

    Put your natural opinions aside (just a bit) and try to judge people based on how interesting or strong their argument was.

    How to Cast Your Vote:

    First, grab the FREE transcript torrent here

    Review it, then send Klaatu a pm with a list of who you feel made a better argument and 1 sentence as to why you made that choice (for each winner). Just a sentence, you don't have to write essays...:lol:

    The deadline to vote is Weds, April 27th at 18:00 (6pm) EST.
    (Meaning you have about 3 days.)

    Once the votes are counted the winners will be announced.

    So vote & stay tuned. All who didn't partake in the first live debate will get another chance soon .

    P.S. In a few cases we had last minute entries who volunteered to take slots because other debaters were either late or couldn't make it. You may want to take that into consideration when choosing your winners, as 2 of the debaters had almost zero preparation time (yet still did pretty well). See the end notes in the pdf for the details on who...

    And of course, if you'd like to leave some feedback or suggestions on what you thought of the first debate or have any questions, post them here

    Check the Announcement Below for More Events & Competitions!