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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Anime hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. november 29..

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    Theplace.bz : News
    Marsha Linehan Mega DBT Training Group Buy

    Comprising upto 40 DVDs, 11 CDs plus ebooks

    The most incredible DBT resource you will ever see!!

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a therapy designed to help people

    change patterns of behavior that are not effective, such as self-harm,

    suicidal thinking and substance abuse.

    This approach works towards helping people increase their emotional and

    cognitive regulation by learning about the triggers that lead to reactive states

    and helping to assess which coping skills to apply in the sequence of events,

    thoughts, feelings and behaviors that lead to the undesired behavior. DBT

    assumes that people are doing the best that they can, but either are lacking

    the skills or are influenced by positive or negative reinforcement

    that interfere with one’s functioning.

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