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    2013. augusztus 20.
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    TheShow.bz : News
    Corey Rich - Storytelling on Location GB


    PLEDGE NOW: http://theshow.bz/forums.php?action=...ic&topicid=855

    Storytelling on Location

    The future of storytelling, for enthusiasts and professionals alike, is all about capturing great pictures AND great video during a single dynamic shoot. However, attempting to be both a still photographer and ace filmmaker at the same time is rife with opportunities to mess up, miss the shot, and blow the whole shoot. A lot of photographers have learned to add video into their repertoire through trial and error, often with frustrating results. Join seasoned visual storyteller Corey Rich for a 3-day live still-and-motion shoot on location. Corey will walk you through every step of the process — from storyboarding to post-production. Whether you’re an enthusiast wanting to capture stills and video of your cousin’s wedding, or a professional photographer looking to offer stunning motion spots to your clients, this workshop will help you seamlessly bring your stories to life.

    PLEDGE NOW: http://theshow.bz/forums.php?action=...ic&topicid=855
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