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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. április 02..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    V5 is officially live!

    Written by ******

    Finally, the long awaited update to v5 is LIVE! From now on, v5 will be the default mode for every user. Worry not though ! Both v4 and classic version will remain available, and can be found under the MORE tab!

    OK ! Lets go to the features now!

    • Brand new MEDIA CENTER. Search faster, better, and not only for movies/episodes! Now you are able to search a-la popcorn mode for ANY game release on ANY console as well! Game on!
    • Completely rewritten PM system! Chat near real-time! No more mess in PMs and going though millions or lines to find what you want!
    • Completely new search algorithm! Apart from FASTER, its also smarter. It will auto-search on-the-fly as you type, and cross-out the categories that your query isnt matching. The more you type - the closer the result you looking for! Give it a try - you will be surprised!
    • More tags will make your life easier when browsing/categorizing! Completely brand-new logic for categories filters!
    • All game releases will have now a trailer and screenshots
    • Extra smooth graphics, fully scalable site which should work on any resolution/pc/mac/mobile
    • Tons of backend fixes, which wouldnt fit to type them all here!

    By all means, stop by and keep giving your valuable feedback on the forum here.

    Enjoy the site! More to come very soon!