Torrent Streaming

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. február 26..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    My brother-in-law is a ardent UFC fan. This past Saturday was a historic event as the first women title card event for the Bantamweight Championship, Rousey vs Carmouche. Any MMA fan made themselves available to screen this unprecedented fight, and they surely paid boku boku bucks for said opportunity.

    Being the designated criminal in the family, he asked if I could find him a stream, as paying $60+ for PPV is too much for many people to ask. I checked out the usual places, Veetle,, the random forum post with http/rtmp streams. All are a degree of terrible, with Veetle being the best of the lot. and the forum links tend to be surrounded by ads and are a sure fire way to get what I call a computer STD. Veetle has the best quality but lately has been invaded by the same cunts who stream with sites like, in that they stream up until the main event, then shut it down, sending you to their ad ridden website and often asking for payment. I sought to find an alternative route, and what I found blew my fucking mind.

    It’s called Torrent Streaming. It should be of no surprise to many of you scoundrels, but is something that I’ve never heard of. Now, this isn’t the playing of partially downloaded AV torrents, this is a whole new medium. It’s the process of live streaming broadcasts through the same peer-to-peer protocols as traditional torrents. When you load up one of these unique .active files it acts in the same way as a .torrent file, in that it seeks to connect with peers. Each of which are aiding in the world wide internet transmission of the original users stream.

    What I found was a 100% broadcast quality 720p video with stunning Dolby surround sound. Any buffering that occurs due to poor connection or CPU/GPU/RAM speed results in a slight pause in the video. The TS player doesn’t skip of the time missed buffering, rather it sort of pauses so as to not miss any of the action. A button on the bottom inform the viewer if the video is live or not, and a simple click will bring you up to the second stream. And the brilliance of this, much in the way of traditional torrents, they can’t be shut down with ease.

    This is a big deal for many reasons. Sports fans often run into the problem of their local television provider not streaming the games they wish to see. As an American football fan, I regularly run into the problem of my cable provider not airing certain games that are much more interesting to cheer on. Normally, I’ve had to resort to Veetle and other unsavory website (my old computer got the drip). Torrent Streaming makes a huge difference in this hunt for quality streams. Additionally, finding streaming torrent trackers that would air broadcast and cable stations 24/7 would be the final nail in the coffin for finally forgoing cable, satellite, and fiber optic television services.

    So what do you think? Torrent Streaming going to become the next IT think for our next of the woods? Have you tried streaming torrent yourself? Was your experience as awe inspiring as mine?

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  2. Kékég /

    2013. november 09.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    EZ nagyon jó program lehet. Én is szoktam élő adásokat felvenni de sokáig csak pár percet sikerült felvennem.Aztán találtam egy remekprogramot,ami képes felvenni az élő közvetítést,de sajnos nem HD-minőségben,és közbe amikor vesz nem lehet állítani rajta sem a képen semmit,de utána rajta van az egész.Akinek van türelme az böngésszen utánna torrent oldalakon mert elég sok streamer fent van.