Külföldi torrent oldalak TotallyKids | TK News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. szeptember 02..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest


    Hi TK users old & new,

    First of all welcome to the new ppl! [​IMG]

    Now, this is a reminder that when you download a torrent here you have two obligations

    1. You seed the data back until you have a ratio of 1 or more


    2. You keep seeding for a total of 168 seeding hours (or 7 days) as shown in your seed timer (in your My Panel) for each torrent

    As with any other site abuse of this will get people warned and then eventually banned if their behaviour doesn't change.

    These torrents aren't going anywhere as long as ppl keep seeding them so you don't have to grab more than you can seed back - it's why you have a wishlist. Take your time grab only as much as you can keep on your HD for a week, then move on to the other torrent(s) you want the next week!

    Doing that plus the seed bonus which you get on top of seeding will enable you to have a nice healthy account here.

    If you have technical issues staff are available here and in IRC for discussion.

    Also please do NOT skip over reading our RULES & FAQ - it might save you some trouble especially if you are new.

    Thanks for your understanding & cooperation and looking forward to more torrenting!! [​IMG]

    TK Staff