Külföldi torrent oldalak PreToMe | PTM Tracker / T-shirts / Donations

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 07..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
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    Re: Preto.me

    Tracker / T-shirts / Donations
    Posted Sep-07-11 by Floxxx


    As you all might have already noticed our torrents no longer give errors on the tracker.preto.me URL. This is because we have enabled this tracker since we will be pulling tracker.pretome.net offline.
    This will happen on September 8th 10PM Eastern (September 9th 03:00 GMT).
    If you have any torrents that do not contain the tracker.preto.me URL you can either add the tracker url yourself (http://tracker.preto.me:2710//announce) or you can re-download the .torrent file and point it to the existing data.

    We are pulling the pretome.net server offline as we can no longer afford to keep it running and all it is doing right now is serving as a tracker.


    We are working on erecting (did he say erection? no, erecting) a webshop containing all the available PTM t-shirts. Once it's online anybody will be able to order one of these t-shirts without having to donate $100 or more. All profits will be going towards our monthly bills. So if you or your friends would like a PTM shirt, stay tuned, as it won't be long.


    As mentioned above we are forced to cut back because we're not getting in enough donations. We had a slight increase due to bringing in the t-shirts but unfortunately it is not enough.
    We would like to encourage anyone that can spare it, give a small donation so we can keep this place going. As you all know our staff are volunteers, they donate their time to keep everything running smoothly so you can download the latest torrents at the fastest possible speeds. If you can spare $10, it would help us greatly

    For more information on how to donate, please click here

    Edited 2011-09-07 05:06:26