Külföldi torrent oldalak TranceTraffic | TT Tt Enters The 21st Century (finally!)

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. március 25..

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    Re: TranceTraffic

    2012-03-25 - TT enters the 21st century (finally!)


    @Trance_Traffic is LIVE!

    Hi everyone, we have created the official TT twitter account which we will use to communicate about news, website status, TT radio shows, etc.. Feel free to follow us, but keep in mind there may not be many updates at the moment as we're still getting setup :tef344:

    - ZDRuX
    2012-03-09 - We'll be slowly trying out migrating people to use the tracker forum, over the external forum website. Both will be open for the time being, but we're trying to gauge interest and see how things work out.

    If you'd like to be the first to start a conversation, head on over to http://www.trancetraffic.com/forums.php

    - ZDRuX