Külföldi torrent oldalak TwilightZoom | TZ News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Vendég hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. január 12..

  1. Vendég /

    2014. augusztus 31.
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    We appreciate your patience with the server issues.We had to do a blank install of the server and recode some of the site.We did lose some torrents rofl as a matter of fact a lot but there coming in hot and heavy.We are moving in on 7000 torrents and I am sure in no time we will be back up to moving in on 30,000 torrents.If your seeding any torrents and notice there red just delete them.We are still closed registration but we have 3 open signup slots so not sure if they will be gone by the time you read this.

    We are stable and you may notice the speed on the site has picked up a lot.
    you can run in SSL here as we have a secured server certificate so no problems.We also moved the secured up a notch to higher security ssl.

    This should be the last upgrade hopefully for a couple of years.As always we appreciate all of you being a part of the
    Twilight family and thank all of you for what you do.

    We are very happy to be back strong

    The Twilight staff